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Serve Lab
Students & Teaching

Serve Lab
Students & Teaching


Students & Teaching


PD Dr. Frank Schnütgen

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Master Program Molecular Medicine
Our team participates in the Master Program
“Molecular Medicine”. We offer positions for M.Sc.
internships and thesis projects. If you are
interested to join our team for your internship
and/or thesis project, please contact us with a
brief statement and CV.
Contact: PD Dr. Frank Schnütgen


PD Dr. Frank Schnütgen &
Dr. Philipp Makowka

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Our team offers MD-thesis projects and we are
looking for motivated MD candidates.
The prerequisite for a science-based MD-thesis
in our laboratory is one semester of study leave.

If you are interested and/or want to have more
information please contact:


For further information
please contact:

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Lectures and courses
Currently no lectures and courses
In preparation for winter semester 2024/2025:
Lecture series „Genetic basis of cancer"
Lectures on methodological basics on "Life cycle
of the lentivirus", "Genetic engineering and its documentation" and "Introduction to next
generation sequencing" on demand.

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